Pokémon Uranium
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Most music not playing

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Most music not playing Empty Most music not playing

Post by Lokee 2015-04-29, 15:45

Most (I assume) sounds like walking, bumping into things and such play when they're supposed to, but background music generally doesn't play, except for (some of) the wild pokémon battles.
In the let's play videos I've glimpsed at, the music seems amazing, so I would very much want it to work Smile

I can see that the Audio/BGM folder is full (of files like PU-Moki Town.mp3)
They don't play in the in-game radio either. When I first tried it, it played a short segment but then stopped.

Any idea what the problem could be? I recently re-installed my PC, so perhaps I am missing something?


Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-04-29

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Most music not playing Empty Re: Most music not playing

Post by Bocajian 2015-04-29, 16:00

When you have the game open and in focus, hit F1 and see if for some reason the Box that says Play BGM and ME is unchecked.

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Age : 28

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Most music not playing Empty Re: Most music not playing

Post by Lokee 2015-04-29, 16:09

Bocajian wrote:When you have the game open and in focus, hit F1 and see if for some reason the Box that says Play BGM and ME is unchecked.

It is checked. The only one that isn't checked is 'Reduce Screen Flickering'. Thank you for the suggestion, though Smile


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Join date : 2015-04-29

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Most music not playing Empty Re: Most music not playing

Post by Lokee 2015-04-30, 19:01



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Join date : 2015-04-29

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Most music not playing Empty Re: Most music not playing

Post by ~JV~ 2015-04-30, 19:23

Sorry, but that must be on your end. I don't know what is the problem.

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Most music not playing Empty Re: Most music not playing

Post by WubbaG 2015-05-01, 04:16

just listen on the pokepod!

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Age : 24
Location : Tandor


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Most music not playing Empty Re: Most music not playing

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