Pokémon Uranium
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The Pokémon Uranium Forums are Moving!

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 The Pokémon Uranium Forums are Moving! Empty The Pokémon Uranium Forums are Moving!

Post by Involuntary Twitch 2015-06-08, 18:05

To all members of the Pokémon Uranium forums:

We are changing forum hosts! Our brand-new forums can be found at:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Because these new forums are starting with a clean slate, all users will need to register a new account, which will only take a few minutes. These new forums have a lot more features to make them fun and easy to navigate, we're positive you will like them!

The old forums will remain open for 5 days (until Friday, June 12), after which they will be made into a read-only archive.

We look forward to seeing everybody on the new forums!

- The Pokémon Uranium Team
Involuntary Twitch
Involuntary Twitch

Posts : 738
Join date : 2014-03-10
Age : 31


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