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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Brisingr Blaze
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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by xArc_Knightx 2015-05-07, 00:56

Hey there Everyone!
The Play-through is finally here!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 7Vxbvv4
Yeah I know, Munching Orange Did it first, but you know what? I'm playing it too.
Pokemon Sweet Version is basically a Sugary sweet Version of Kanto, With some minor tweaks to the map and pokemon.
Every single pokemon has a Unique (Although some pretty uncreative) Sprites!
Check it out here if you wanna play with me! http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=332437
Now that's settled... Let's get our sweet tooth on!
Chapter 1: Did we really need a reason to eat pokemon to begin with?
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? E2NdqlZ
I don't know what that's called... BUT I WANT IT!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? KcPnKJ3
I'll be naming our protagonist after my favorite dessert, peach cobbler.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 5zGcmNf
Sorry, It just had to be done...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? UQ8mwvB
(I'm getting a serious case of sugar buzz from this)
Basically the plot is as normal as any pokemon game. Find pokemon, catch pokemon, beat evil, win champions. Simple enough. Only in this case there called Pokesweets, and there created by professor Cina. Some sort of Dr. Frankenstein of candy...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? HdgurMaLet's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? S3r8JRKLet's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Vx99pyB
Here our are starters for the game; Brownisaur, Strawmander, and Squirpie. (Kinda hard to play this game while resisting the urge to go eat large quantities of pie...) For this playthough We'l be going with Brownisaur, cause it's the one i wanna eat the most. 
Did i mention that you don't use pokeballs in this game? Nope, you use "Sweet Balls" I kinda wish I made that up...

(Arc, remember to mention other 2 rivals in the game.)
(I'll get on that later..)

Our Journey takes us to Route 1 where we fight our fist battle with Salty Joe over here.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? AFAF4YN
I'm glad that the popsicle stick was placed on the top...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? S9XozKU
There's a guy back in the starting town who will sell you potions and paralyze heals. I recommend you buy those...
The Pokemon in each route arn't the same as the main game ones, so don't expect to see any Rattata desserts... yet...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? SWlaJYp Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? GmjbGdq
Our Route one contenders are Meowffin and Licorita! Nice for the game to give you a starter right out of the gate! I'll be trying to showcase all the pokemon in each route (that i can find)
We continue onto Flour City (Viridian City) and...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? YroRFAH
I really don't wanna know what that stuff is...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 1Z02wsa
Wandering around found em some berries to use for later. Knowing this game is mostly desserts, I can safely assume they'll be important at some point. (Foreshadowing...)
I guess your all curious of what types these pokemon are. Well There's a lot of them.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? JVPor5e
Here's the type mach-up chart...
I can't really make heads or tails of this so if you guys wanna give me a hand that be great.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Jw2btWz Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? JMPHNrK
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? OgRxT2l Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? YPBkMt6
And this Home Economics class isn't that helpful either...
I take a stroll to the west and we find ourselves some new pokesweets!
(I forgot to mention that you don't get a pokedex, you get a Cookbook...)
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Y1Uc5bT Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? QXn67Tl
First we got Applin and Candino. I've been meaning to use a Gulpin on my team for awhile now.. maybe he'll get his big break this time. And who knows, an Applin a Day keeps the Bananas away! (that sounded kinda iffy)
But nobody was prepared for this monstrosity
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? HrGVAai
And i thought Rattata was ugly before. I'd really hate to see it's evolution...
Our next stop is Viridian forest. (or whatever it's called in this game)
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? MKOz3VF
I'm getting a serious Super Mario World Vibe from this...
I found 1 last Pokesweet on this route...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? BPB2nWy...
Yeah... I think the innuendo makes itself...
So uh... Until next time...
Stay Sweet Guys.
Chapterly Question: Out of What PokeSweets have you seen, what ones do you want to see me use on the team, and what pokemon do you wanna see the most dessertified?

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by sovest555 2015-05-07, 01:08

To use on the team...I wanna say Licorita, but IDK if that conflicts with your existing type. Maybe Candino as well if that works.

And I wanna see Candy!Lucario...

In any case, this looks interesting.

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by Brisingr Blaze 2015-05-07, 01:53

....*eye twitches*... I honestly don't know what to say about how... interestingly creative this is. The person definitely deserves a... cookie.

And for those wondering, yes I'd actually play this just to have a Strawmander. Clearly its something I wanted that I never knew I'd want.
Brisingr Blaze
Brisingr Blaze

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by xArc_Knightx 2015-05-08, 17:14

Hey there Everyone!
It's time for another Chapter of Pokemon Sweet Version!
Chapter 2: Son of a Glitch...
So we last left off at the gate right before the Viridian Forest, but in this game it's called the Flour Forest.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? JkTDqNg
This guy told me he got beat by all the bug catchers in the forest, and he'll give us something good if we beat them for him!
what kind of bugs can you find in the flour forest?
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? OfbBMdG Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? QBqCYlELet's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? CQP8hkx
You know I'm actually curious to see what the cake Ariados would look like. Maybe a triple layer? I later found out this is where you can find yourself a wild Popsichu if you want one.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 7ZqXTzs
I Decided to double back a few routes and I actually found another new Pokesweet that I missed!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? LComtam
It's so Adorable! Furret was my favorite pokemon from Gen II so I'll be definitely using this on my team!
So, after that I went back through Flour Forest and fought those trainers from before and got the reward from the kid at the beginning
Next stop Pewter City!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? WcPzfdc
I mean Pudding City...
I don't think making a house made of pudding is even possible
After some wondering around and talking with people I find the gym.
The leader's name is Beryl (I don't get it)
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? SdD3aGe
Ouch man, 99 loses?
Who did he finally beat?
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? PvAArUR
I don't know what I expected...
I didn't go into the gym yet, there's something else i wanted to do first.
up to the north is a building that is called the Candy Manor
Our Female Rival (who name is Katia btw) Is there too!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? D0Pu3jb
Looks like it's going to be our first encounter with the evil team!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Jz63y9F
I think we all saw this coming. The team is basically team Rocket without the R on there clothes. the others' names were just Sour (Fruit) Grape, Apple, Cherry, Etc.
I cleared them out of the Manor, they said they were looking for a treasure!
I head to the top floor and find the treasure under the bed!
Unfortunately, the admin of the sour bunch showed up, jerk stole it from me!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Dy5iElH
That is the face of true evil right there...
His team consisted of a Rattatart and 2 Meowfins (I really hope the game isn't mostly double battles) It was actually pretty difficult at first. He knocked out all my pokemon but Brownisaur
And then...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? L02We8Z
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? B7jcZr8
Woo! Our First Evolution!
Chocosaur evolves from a Cherry Flavor to a Chocolate/Cherry Flavor!
I was heading on my way back out to heal my pokemon then the jerk Salty shows up and tries to finish me off. I only had Chocosaur, but it's enough to beat him!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Nv5la4d
or twice as enough.... Whaaaaaaaaaat....?!?!
I'm guessing this glitch occurs when you enter a double battle with only 1 non fainted pokemon. I wonder what it would look like when i check in the summery...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? KOSKa3a
?????????? Indeed......
Well I beat him using my Glitch clone Chocosaur, Who sadly disappeared after the battle. Maybe again We'll someday receive the help of the mystery ?????????? Pokemon!
Thats the end of this chapter, but make sure to Comment your thoughts and give me your suggestions on how to improve the let's play!

Chapterly Question: Out of all the new Pokesweets in this chapter, what ones are your favorite?

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by Brisingr Blaze 2015-05-08, 21:02

I'm enjoying this, tempted to play it myself but most of my play time goes to here, so looking forward to the next installment.

As for my favorite this time around... I'd have to go with Mintret and Spinacake. I'm torn between the two. Mintret for the simple design (Simple isn't always bad) and Spinacake for well... its a spider/cake.
Brisingr Blaze
Brisingr Blaze

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by Dustborn 2015-05-08, 21:32

I have no idea what to say about this...

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by Involuntary Twitch 2015-05-08, 22:01

This game is so cute and creative! I like how they re-did the type chart... although it's going to be difficult to relearn all the type matchups. So are all the towns exactly the same layout as in Kanto? Also, I think you should put Sentret... er, Mintret on your team. What type is it? There doesn't seem to be a Mint type... I'm guessing it's Vanilla.
Involuntary Twitch
Involuntary Twitch

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by xArc_Knightx 2015-05-08, 23:26

I'll Definitely be using Mintret on my team. funny thing is I had a Furret named Peppermint on my Crystal play though. It's shiny form is why I call it that. check it out!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 162
so kawaii!
(I have a male one i got form masuda method in my XY named Sgt. Pepper)
and the Map itself is basically Kanto in layout. with some minor tweeks here and there.

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by xArc_Knightx 2015-05-08, 23:58

Chapter 2.5: A Sweet Victory
So I did some grinding off screen today. got our team to Level 10-15.
Our Team as of now is.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? N04oaWvLet's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? TgFwDswLet's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? K6p5F9XLet's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? JIaXLqR
Our Team is Ready, so let's take that gym on!
I havent found a real theme to the gyms yet, i think i'm going to guess Brock.. err I mean Beryl (Berewl? Barewl ) uses highly defensive pokemon.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? ObZEvDd
Really Beryl... I must get the number of your interior decorator! I see the pink really suits you.
the rode ahead seems rigged, let's talk to the guy at the front and see what words of wisdom he has.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? XbtfoJb
How bout a gym battle!
The first trainer we fight has a new Pokesweet for us to see!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? NDJaYIZ
A Caratorb huh? At first i thought it was like Carrot, but now i relies it's Caramel.
I like it though!
(Note: I took the Screenshot of the team after i fought the gym battles, sorry.)
The battle was over quick, so i thought I'd go and heal up. then..
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? RjvfIMR
The Door is gone... I can't Heal...
I insted use up the majority of my oran berries to heal, then it's on to the leader.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? SXMC2UT
It's just the regular Brock sprite, I'm gonna guess though they'll be new ones in a later update though.
Fighting Beryl, we get to see 2 new Sweetmon!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? KoQAV80
Gumble looks kinda cute don't ya think?
And we all know, Beryl (Brock) would be nothing without his signature pokemon.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Ytxtk3X
Well, Whatever floats your boat Beryl... It's very pink...
Well, thinks couldn't get much worse right...?
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? YHSWQM2
Innuendos and Shady Text Aside, WE GOT OUR FIRST BADGE!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 0EXO7m9
(It's nothing new, just a boulder badge. No TM either unfortunately...)
And the exit to the gym is unveiled!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? JzOowY5
Next stop on our Journey, Cake Hills!

Chapterly Question: What PokeSweets do you think we'll encounter up ahead?

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by xArc_Knightx 2015-05-11, 17:43

Hey Guys, I have some unfortunate news. This week at my school is going to be massive amounts of testing, so there wont be a chapter update for awhile. Chapter 3 Will be out tonight however. But don't expect anything else this week.
In the Mean Time I recommend checking out MunchingOrange's Let's play of this game to get your daily fill. I'll be back on it soon, so hang in there guys!

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by LoverIan 2015-05-11, 19:36

I think I understand what Beryl intended to say, but damn that sounds like an inhisendo

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by xArc_Knightx 2015-05-11, 21:42

So uh everyone, I have a confession to make....
The USB Holding all the Screenshots for this chapters data... i left it at school... TOMORROW FOR SURE!

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by xArc_Knightx 2015-05-12, 23:35

We're back Everyone!
Chapter 3: What's the Worst That Could Happen?
So we begin our chapter right after we leave Pudding City.
Next Stop...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 24dbzAg
New Route new(ish) pokesweets!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 9TToIUiLet's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? SJpD0Xk
We already saw these guy's at the Pudding City Gym.
Here's there dex entries!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? MSWS9k0Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? LrkNeiC
Nothing to say about Caratorb, but as for Gumble... I can definitely say leaving a gumball out in the rain doesn't make it wet, It makes it hard as a rock and nearly impossible to chew.
Other pokemon i found were just Meowfin and Mintret, nothing else new.
So we soon come across our first trainer battle for the route and he has a new pokesweet on him.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? O8fDG0j
Sweet (I gotta get a thesaurus) evolution Cottonat! What's not sweet though is the move it's using, confection, is SE agienst most of my team. this doesn't bode well...
I come actross afew more trainers waling around, but none of them want to battle. all they say is something i expect is after battle text, except this guy...
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? RQNxoyx
I think I'll see this guy next to the other creeps back in the Anthell...
Another trainer lies ahead, with another new pokesweet!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 4F55CJz
yeah, I'm not to sure about this one guys, it's just plain weird. Aside from that at least we don't have to deal with the Deedledeedledee thankfully.
Soon after, We make it to our next stop!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? PB9jXDr
And yeah, they are orange.
I decide to heal up real quick at the pokecenter, and i notice something that wasn't there before. a cave to the left.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? XcaxpX4
I see the similarities to Super Mario World Continue.
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? N4RjLSd
So it's basically like a miniature E4 ey?
Whats the worst that could happen?
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? HaGzlTG
Not bad, not bad. Some new pokesweets. Evos to Meowfin and Creampuff.
I can totally handle this!
(the Next trainer has 2 Cottonmoth up first)
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? 37kKQY4
I'm slowly regretting coming in here...
I mannage to get 4 battles in... all of my pokemon but licorita are fainted.. and you know what that means?
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? NCyb2VA
It's Baaaaaaaack! ~~
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? GAMBhui
and there's the final nail in the coffin...
From here the battle turns into an inevitable absorb poison damage fight. I eventually did loose. But not before Licorita got a level up!
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Fi7LfNX
Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? DindyTe
You might be wondering why Licorita is evolving so late. Well It's not because i pressed B a lot.  It turns out chicorita in this game takes Oddish's Dex entry spot. So It's getting the Moves and evolution levels of Oddish. Lorita is now gloom. Idk if this is a glitch. but i hope it's fixed soon. But until then. We got a cool new team member. (I wonder if it evolves with leaf stone... what would happen with a sun stone?)

Question of the Day: Should we keep Leaforice on our team even though it has the learn set of gloom?

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

Post by CrazyDragon 2015-05-13, 00:00

Sure, you can keep it. I do want to see Licoranium (or whatever it's called).

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Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version? Empty Re: Let's Play Pokemon Sweet Version?

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