Let's Play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth! (screenshot LP)
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Re: Let's Play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth! (screenshot LP)
I have no idea, but I'm keeping my eye on the little bugger in any case. (It's also much funnier to imagine it's the same guy.)
Also, the OP is now updated with a proper chapter index! Huzzah! Your scroll wheels will thank me. Also, here's a teaser of things to come in the next chapter:
Also, the OP is now updated with a proper chapter index! Huzzah! Your scroll wheels will thank me. Also, here's a teaser of things to come in the next chapter:
Mercury45- Inflagetah
- Posts : 291
Join date : 2014-03-13
Age : 33
Re: Let's Play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth! (screenshot LP)
This is it. We're gonna get to right outside the boss' front door even if this update has to be double length (it totally won't, though). LET'S GET DANGEROUS.
Part 14: The Grindy Update
Last time, we took a missing persons case from that quiet girl we met at the hospital, found the Zaxon hideout... and, uh, that was about it. Huh. That was a short one, now I think about it.
There's totally a guy here, by the way. He's just sitting on the ground. He tells us that random people have been developing the Digimon Capture ability since just before the time EDEN started up. Well, this confirms two things - Nokia, Arata, and Mercury aren't the only ones that got targeted, and that there's other people out there with our ability.
He also says something along the lines of "there's a bunch of rookie hackers with no experience messing the place up, so Zaxon is trying to do their best to keep things under control."
This portrays Zaxon as the good guys, at least from his perspective - then again, that boy in white, Yuugo, said he was part of Zaxon and he seemed like he was okay.
Ooh, a Mojyamon medal. Dunno who makes these, but that collector obsession in me is getting fired up.
This rather bossy fellow tells us we should join Zaxon, and also namedrops Yuugo. Several of the NPCs here do, in fact, so he was being honest when he told us we should come looking for the group.
This guy mentions that Zaxon's been monitoring what Nabitto-kun's been up to and keeping tabs on the people he bestows the Digimon Capture power on. (I knew he was suspicious!) When someone gets the Nabitto visit, Yuugo approaches them to try to get them to join Zaxon. Explains how he just so happened to find us right at the moment we got the power.
This guy says that, even with the best hackers in EDEN on their team, the Digimon Capture ability is still beyond Zaxon's full grasp. They don't have any way to convert or easily evolve Digimon. Probably shouldn't tell them about the lab, I have a feeling Mirei wouldn't appreciate the constant traffic...
There's three people here with padlocks over their heads, but we only need to speak with the right one.
Specifically, this guy. He tells us we need to head to the second level of the Coulomb, past the firewall that we were blocked from accessing previously. Behind there, we should find a hacker that might be able to tell us what we need to know.
Also, I think we get made an honorary member of Zaxon or something. We get an item emblazoned with the Zaxon logo to let anyone who gets in our way know that we're on official business.
he says nothing of import here, I just wanted to yell at him for making me do the work
This is the guy who was blocking us from heading further into the Coulomb waaaaaay back when. He was apparently blocking it on Yuugo's orders to keep anyone from going in somewhere too dangerous, but we have clearance now. Also, this is the point where I realize you can adjust the camera with the right stick during dialogue boxes.
Disabling the firewall clears the way to the elevator (the green square), and also to another medal! This one is for YukimiBotamon. My translation app insists it's supposed to be "YukimiPokemon." Translation app, you joker.
Welcome to Coulomb Level 2! It's... a lot like the first. Level 3 is being blocked by the fellow in the top left, and a link to the DigiLab is right in the front door.
There's some other hackers hanging out in this area. This guy's friendly enough, and advises us to keep a varied Digimon party. Way ahead of you, bud.
We'll start to see some new Digimon while we're down here... well, new-ish. We've already seen Wanyamon in the little tournament we entered back at Nakano Broadway, but these are the first "wild" Wanyamon we've encountered.
I just want to point out this was their first battle and already Schwartz and Nero are pulling their weight and operating in sync. Total bros.
While regular Gabumon has the traditional Blue Blaster as his special, BlackGabumon has this sweet horn attack.
BlackAgumon still totally does fire breath, though.
yes I know that second picture is from later on but I'd rather show the attack now than wait
Another friendly hacker. She reminds us to keep type and attribute compatibility in mind when battling Digimon. You might've noticed, incidentally, that most of the other hackers we've met so far only have low-level Digimon. Makes sense, given they don't have most of the tools Mercury has available.
Yokomon joins the list of available Digimon here, as does Goblimon (not pictured. You've already seen him anyway).
After Veronika gets some experience, I put her on the front lines while Gentarou (that's Starmon, remember) takes a break and lets the Rookies show their stuff.
After making some progress into the dungeon we hit a roadblock. These guys show up every so often in this place, and to get past them we must pass an arduous test. To move forward, we must-
CHOOSE THE TOP OPTION EVERY TIME! Truly, this is a challenge which not but the worthiest of Digimon tamers may overcome.
for a more detailed explanation, the top option is just to show them the Zaxon emblem we got from the boss back in their hideout. If you choose the bottom option they just turn you away and you have to try again and pick the top one this time, dummy
Getting past those guys gets us to the second part of the dungeon. I haven't been showing the contents of chests so far, mostly because there's nothing interesting. I got some HP restoration disks, a revival item, and a topaz (which is just there to be sold).
Rookie Digimon are starting to become more common. We've seen Lalamon, Biyomon, and Otamamon already, but it's worth noting. If you've only been using one Digimon up to this point, here's probably where you'd start having trouble. Luckily, I already have a menagerie of strong and varied Digimon so we've got no worries.
We have another encounter with the guys blocking the path, and find some more loot including an escape disk and some SP restoration items.
Lovely, another roadblock. "Clever hacker" here, however, doesn't want to stand in our way - in fact, he wants to lend us a hand! He informs us about Digimon support skills. And you know what that means...
It's tutorial time! Every Digimon has a passive ability that has a various effect. The example here given is a Digimon whose ability raises the attack of allied Digimon by 15%. These abilities stack, so three Digimon with this skill would have their attack raised by 45%! There's some very useful abilities out there, though I won't draw attention to most of them just because that would take a lot of time. I'll point out some cool ones here and there, maybe.
We can also look up information on Digimon we've seen/obtained via the Digimon Encyclopedia. Digimon marked with a star are only obtainable via the DLC. There's actually a lot of useful information here, such as seeing a Digimon's evolutionary lines and the requirements for each form. It's kind of like the Pokedex if it actually had useful functions.
And, like a sign from heaven, it's the access point for the lab. This means we're at the end of the dungeon, and the next room contains the boss! This is, all in all, a really nice way to ensure that you can level up and stay healed going into a big battle. Say what you will about her, but Mirei's quite considerate doing all this.
Since we have the facilities right here and can now battle to our heart's content... oh yes. It's grinding time.
First order of business is getting Ambrose evolved. Actually, I could have evolved him at any point earlier, just not into the form I wanted. Said form requires a certain amount of SP and I was holding out for that.
The resulting Sorcerymon is totally worth it. Look at that SP and intelligence stat!
Helena reverts to Salamon, because I'd heard that another of her evolutions had a skill or two that might be worth picking up.
Dexter, uh...
Well, he. You know...
I can't tell if that's pride or shame. Maybe both.
Am I referring to Dexter's expression or my feelings toward him? Again, maybe both.
I actually think Numemon's pretty adorable so shush
Here's a Xros Heal Up combo. Not really useful right now, since we're fighting weak random encounters, but it's another mechanic to show off. It's just like the attacking ones, except our Digimon team up to give a big heal to someone.
Veronika learns a healing spell of her own, and earns her evolution to Sunflowmon.
Not one to be outdone so soon, Ambrose shows us his moves. His special attack is water-elemental and hits every opponent for a nice chunk of damage - fueled by his great intelligence, this easily sweeps enemy teams.
"Come at me, Bromon!"
Schwartz and Nero actually hit their level caps for their Rookie stage, so I evolve them into Tyrannomon and Vegimon temporarily. Don't worry, this isn't permanent.
This totally makes it worth it, though.
This, not so much.
Helena evolves into the (likely more familiar for longtime fans) Champion Gatomon. Minirant time, I don't like that her Japanese name is "Tailmon." It's dumb and nonindicative. At least "Gatomon" actually tells us what she is!
You'll notice throughout this run that I use a mishmash of English and Japanese names. It's entirely according to my preference on an individual basis, so... yeah. Purists beware, I guess?
Oh yeah, check this out. One of Helena's Ultimates (from Gatomon) has a slightly different requirement here. "Jogress NG." And the same stat at 100% twice? Well, isn't that - ahh, heck with it, I'll stop being coy and tell you here that this is for Jogress/DNA evolution. To get this particular Ultimate you'll need two Digimon, who fuse together to evolve into a new form. There's a few of these in the game, and I plan to show at least one of them.
Dawwww. What can I say? I'm a cat person.
Next Time: A Wild Boss Battle Appeared!
Whew! That actually finishes up all the pictures I had for grinding, and wipes out my buffer! Which means we can finally get to voting on the first boss. I promised we'd get there, and here we are. So, here's how it works: I'll list my Digimon and their current forms a little further down, and you pick a team that you want to see take on the boss. And of course, make sure it fits the memory limit. I've still only got 20 to work with, but that'll change soon.
So first, our candidates:
As for the boss, what can you expect? Well, there'll be a Virus Digimon, and things might get a little bit heated. Wink wink. Anyway, vote for a team that you want to see win! Or vote for a team that will make my life difficult! (Please try not to do that!) I'll give voting... until this Sunday, the 24th. Just reply to the thread with what Digimon you're voting for and I'll do the rest.
Wooo, we made it!
Part 14: The Grindy Update
Last time, we took a missing persons case from that quiet girl we met at the hospital, found the Zaxon hideout... and, uh, that was about it. Huh. That was a short one, now I think about it.
There's totally a guy here, by the way. He's just sitting on the ground. He tells us that random people have been developing the Digimon Capture ability since just before the time EDEN started up. Well, this confirms two things - Nokia, Arata, and Mercury aren't the only ones that got targeted, and that there's other people out there with our ability.
He also says something along the lines of "there's a bunch of rookie hackers with no experience messing the place up, so Zaxon is trying to do their best to keep things under control."
This portrays Zaxon as the good guys, at least from his perspective - then again, that boy in white, Yuugo, said he was part of Zaxon and he seemed like he was okay.
Ooh, a Mojyamon medal. Dunno who makes these, but that collector obsession in me is getting fired up.
This rather bossy fellow tells us we should join Zaxon, and also namedrops Yuugo. Several of the NPCs here do, in fact, so he was being honest when he told us we should come looking for the group.
This guy mentions that Zaxon's been monitoring what Nabitto-kun's been up to and keeping tabs on the people he bestows the Digimon Capture power on. (I knew he was suspicious!) When someone gets the Nabitto visit, Yuugo approaches them to try to get them to join Zaxon. Explains how he just so happened to find us right at the moment we got the power.
This guy says that, even with the best hackers in EDEN on their team, the Digimon Capture ability is still beyond Zaxon's full grasp. They don't have any way to convert or easily evolve Digimon. Probably shouldn't tell them about the lab, I have a feeling Mirei wouldn't appreciate the constant traffic...
There's three people here with padlocks over their heads, but we only need to speak with the right one.
Specifically, this guy. He tells us we need to head to the second level of the Coulomb, past the firewall that we were blocked from accessing previously. Behind there, we should find a hacker that might be able to tell us what we need to know.
Also, I think we get made an honorary member of Zaxon or something. We get an item emblazoned with the Zaxon logo to let anyone who gets in our way know that we're on official business.
he says nothing of import here, I just wanted to yell at him for making me do the work
This is the guy who was blocking us from heading further into the Coulomb waaaaaay back when. He was apparently blocking it on Yuugo's orders to keep anyone from going in somewhere too dangerous, but we have clearance now. Also, this is the point where I realize you can adjust the camera with the right stick during dialogue boxes.
Disabling the firewall clears the way to the elevator (the green square), and also to another medal! This one is for YukimiBotamon. My translation app insists it's supposed to be "YukimiPokemon." Translation app, you joker.
Welcome to Coulomb Level 2! It's... a lot like the first. Level 3 is being blocked by the fellow in the top left, and a link to the DigiLab is right in the front door.
There's some other hackers hanging out in this area. This guy's friendly enough, and advises us to keep a varied Digimon party. Way ahead of you, bud.
We'll start to see some new Digimon while we're down here... well, new-ish. We've already seen Wanyamon in the little tournament we entered back at Nakano Broadway, but these are the first "wild" Wanyamon we've encountered.
I just want to point out this was their first battle and already Schwartz and Nero are pulling their weight and operating in sync. Total bros.
While regular Gabumon has the traditional Blue Blaster as his special, BlackGabumon has this sweet horn attack.
BlackAgumon still totally does fire breath, though.
yes I know that second picture is from later on but I'd rather show the attack now than wait
Another friendly hacker. She reminds us to keep type and attribute compatibility in mind when battling Digimon. You might've noticed, incidentally, that most of the other hackers we've met so far only have low-level Digimon. Makes sense, given they don't have most of the tools Mercury has available.
Yokomon joins the list of available Digimon here, as does Goblimon (not pictured. You've already seen him anyway).
After Veronika gets some experience, I put her on the front lines while Gentarou (that's Starmon, remember) takes a break and lets the Rookies show their stuff.
After making some progress into the dungeon we hit a roadblock. These guys show up every so often in this place, and to get past them we must pass an arduous test. To move forward, we must-
CHOOSE THE TOP OPTION EVERY TIME! Truly, this is a challenge which not but the worthiest of Digimon tamers may overcome.
for a more detailed explanation, the top option is just to show them the Zaxon emblem we got from the boss back in their hideout. If you choose the bottom option they just turn you away and you have to try again and pick the top one this time, dummy
Getting past those guys gets us to the second part of the dungeon. I haven't been showing the contents of chests so far, mostly because there's nothing interesting. I got some HP restoration disks, a revival item, and a topaz (which is just there to be sold).
Rookie Digimon are starting to become more common. We've seen Lalamon, Biyomon, and Otamamon already, but it's worth noting. If you've only been using one Digimon up to this point, here's probably where you'd start having trouble. Luckily, I already have a menagerie of strong and varied Digimon so we've got no worries.
We have another encounter with the guys blocking the path, and find some more loot including an escape disk and some SP restoration items.
Lovely, another roadblock. "Clever hacker" here, however, doesn't want to stand in our way - in fact, he wants to lend us a hand! He informs us about Digimon support skills. And you know what that means...
It's tutorial time! Every Digimon has a passive ability that has a various effect. The example here given is a Digimon whose ability raises the attack of allied Digimon by 15%. These abilities stack, so three Digimon with this skill would have their attack raised by 45%! There's some very useful abilities out there, though I won't draw attention to most of them just because that would take a lot of time. I'll point out some cool ones here and there, maybe.
We can also look up information on Digimon we've seen/obtained via the Digimon Encyclopedia. Digimon marked with a star are only obtainable via the DLC. There's actually a lot of useful information here, such as seeing a Digimon's evolutionary lines and the requirements for each form. It's kind of like the Pokedex if it actually had useful functions.
And, like a sign from heaven, it's the access point for the lab. This means we're at the end of the dungeon, and the next room contains the boss! This is, all in all, a really nice way to ensure that you can level up and stay healed going into a big battle. Say what you will about her, but Mirei's quite considerate doing all this.
Since we have the facilities right here and can now battle to our heart's content... oh yes. It's grinding time.
First order of business is getting Ambrose evolved. Actually, I could have evolved him at any point earlier, just not into the form I wanted. Said form requires a certain amount of SP and I was holding out for that.
The resulting Sorcerymon is totally worth it. Look at that SP and intelligence stat!
Helena reverts to Salamon, because I'd heard that another of her evolutions had a skill or two that might be worth picking up.
Dexter, uh...
Well, he. You know...
I can't tell if that's pride or shame. Maybe both.
Am I referring to Dexter's expression or my feelings toward him? Again, maybe both.
I actually think Numemon's pretty adorable so shush
Here's a Xros Heal Up combo. Not really useful right now, since we're fighting weak random encounters, but it's another mechanic to show off. It's just like the attacking ones, except our Digimon team up to give a big heal to someone.
Veronika learns a healing spell of her own, and earns her evolution to Sunflowmon.
Not one to be outdone so soon, Ambrose shows us his moves. His special attack is water-elemental and hits every opponent for a nice chunk of damage - fueled by his great intelligence, this easily sweeps enemy teams.
"Come at me, Bromon!"
Schwartz and Nero actually hit their level caps for their Rookie stage, so I evolve them into Tyrannomon and Vegimon temporarily. Don't worry, this isn't permanent.
This totally makes it worth it, though.
This, not so much.
Helena evolves into the (likely more familiar for longtime fans) Champion Gatomon. Minirant time, I don't like that her Japanese name is "Tailmon." It's dumb and nonindicative. At least "Gatomon" actually tells us what she is!
You'll notice throughout this run that I use a mishmash of English and Japanese names. It's entirely according to my preference on an individual basis, so... yeah. Purists beware, I guess?
Oh yeah, check this out. One of Helena's Ultimates (from Gatomon) has a slightly different requirement here. "Jogress NG." And the same stat at 100% twice? Well, isn't that - ahh, heck with it, I'll stop being coy and tell you here that this is for Jogress/DNA evolution. To get this particular Ultimate you'll need two Digimon, who fuse together to evolve into a new form. There's a few of these in the game, and I plan to show at least one of them.
Dawwww. What can I say? I'm a cat person.
Next Time: A Wild Boss Battle Appeared!
Whew! That actually finishes up all the pictures I had for grinding, and wipes out my buffer! Which means we can finally get to voting on the first boss. I promised we'd get there, and here we are. So, here's how it works: I'll list my Digimon and their current forms a little further down, and you pick a team that you want to see take on the boss. And of course, make sure it fits the memory limit. I've still only got 20 to work with, but that'll change soon.
So first, our candidates:
- The usual suspects:
- Gentarou (Starmon, Null/Data) - 6 memory
Percy (ToyAgumon, Null/Vaccine) - 4 memory
Dexter (Numemon, Earth/Virus) - 6 memory
Lorcan (Ogremon, Earth/Virus) - 8 memory
Mitsuki (Kyubimon, Fire/Data) - 8 memory
Ambrose (Sorcerymon, Water/Vaccine) - 8 memory
Rhys (Guilmon, Fire/Virus) - 5 memory
Veronika (Sunflowmon, Grass/Data) - 6 memory
Helena (Gatomon, Light/Vaccine) - 8 memory
Schwartz (BlackAgumon, Fire/Virus) - 5 memory
Nero (BlackGabumon, Fire/Virus) - 5 memory
As for the boss, what can you expect? Well, there'll be a Virus Digimon, and things might get a little bit heated. Wink wink. Anyway, vote for a team that you want to see win! Or vote for a team that will make my life difficult! (Please try not to do that!) I'll give voting... until this Sunday, the 24th. Just reply to the thread with what Digimon you're voting for and I'll do the rest.
Wooo, we made it!
Mercury45- Inflagetah
- Posts : 291
Join date : 2014-03-13
Age : 33
Re: Let's Play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth! (screenshot LP)
Nice! Exciting! Gatomon is sooooo cute! x3
...Why do I get the feeling that these "Zaxon" people are up to no good? Maybe because their name has a Z and an X in it... and that's never a good sign.
Anyway, my votes for the boss-battle team are Gentarou (Starmon), Ambrose (Sorcerymon) & Nero (BlackGabumon). I'd suggest Gatomon, but sadly you don't have enough memory for her! :[
...Why do I get the feeling that these "Zaxon" people are up to no good? Maybe because their name has a Z and an X in it... and that's never a good sign.
Anyway, my votes for the boss-battle team are Gentarou (Starmon), Ambrose (Sorcerymon) & Nero (BlackGabumon). I'd suggest Gatomon, but sadly you don't have enough memory for her! :[
Re: Let's Play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth! (screenshot LP)
I like Starmon, BlackAgumon, and Numemon.
theredwolf- Tofurang
- Posts : 114
Join date : 2015-01-02
Re: Let's Play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth! (screenshot LP)
There might not be a proper update today (honestly, I dunno yet, it depends), but let's talk about how the voting went down!
Mini-Update: Voting Statistics
I think this kind of stuff is fun, so bear with me here. Anyway, we got three votes for this first boss poll. Two were in the thread, and one I got via Skype from a friend of mine who plays Uranium and reads this thread (hi there!). The first thing I did was plug all the respective votes into my nifty little spreadsheet:
Sorry for the size, you can just view the full-size image here if that's too small. In any case, you can see that I made out the chart to show how many votes each Digimon got for each successive boss.
That's not even the full roster of bosses. This thread's gonna go on for a while.
Anyway, I spoilered out boss names and the names of certain Digimon because spoilers. Here's what the colors of certain boxes mean:
So our two guys with two votes went into the party automatically, and the ones who each had one vote (and didn't exceed the memory limit) went into the pool for the next part. Easy enough.
I had to choose from Dexter, Percy, Schwartz, and Nero for the third slot, and I couldn't just pick one on my own. To be as impartial as possible... well, I left it up to chance. So I found a nifty little website that helps you solve decisions by putting choices on a game show wheel and spinning it out. And who ended up lucky this time?
Dexter did! Our party for the boss will consist of Starmon, Sorcerymon, and Numemon. That's... actually pretty good, and everyone who voted got at least one of their picks in. Next time, we'll find out just how well this team works together!
Mini-Update: Voting Statistics
I think this kind of stuff is fun, so bear with me here. Anyway, we got three votes for this first boss poll. Two were in the thread, and one I got via Skype from a friend of mine who plays Uranium and reads this thread (hi there!). The first thing I did was plug all the respective votes into my nifty little spreadsheet:
Sorry for the size, you can just view the full-size image here if that's too small. In any case, you can see that I made out the chart to show how many votes each Digimon got for each successive boss.
That's not even the full roster of bosses. This thread's gonna go on for a while.
Anyway, I spoilered out boss names and the names of certain Digimon because spoilers. Here's what the colors of certain boxes mean:
- Pink boxes are Digimon who were ineligible because they don't actually exist yet. We'll be scanning them soon enough, I hope.
- Orange boxes are Digimon who got votes and could have been eligible, but because of the way the voting worked out couldn't be included. Since Gentarou and Ambrose each got two votes they automatically got in. Helena would have been eligible for the third but since her memory would have exceeded the limit she couldn't be included.
- Green boxes are Digimon who went into the next phase of selection (see below) but didn't win.
- Blue boxes are the Digimon that won the vote.
So our two guys with two votes went into the party automatically, and the ones who each had one vote (and didn't exceed the memory limit) went into the pool for the next part. Easy enough.
I had to choose from Dexter, Percy, Schwartz, and Nero for the third slot, and I couldn't just pick one on my own. To be as impartial as possible... well, I left it up to chance. So I found a nifty little website that helps you solve decisions by putting choices on a game show wheel and spinning it out. And who ended up lucky this time?
Dexter did! Our party for the boss will consist of Starmon, Sorcerymon, and Numemon. That's... actually pretty good, and everyone who voted got at least one of their picks in. Next time, we'll find out just how well this team works together!
Mercury45- Inflagetah
- Posts : 291
Join date : 2014-03-13
Age : 33
Re: Let's Play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth! (screenshot LP)
Yes! I'm so happy numemon got in, I can't freaking believe it!
theredwolf- Tofurang
- Posts : 114
Join date : 2015-01-02
Re: Let's Play Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth! (screenshot LP)
Hey guys, it's been a while! I had some other stuff happen, so apologies about the lack of the boss update. Good news/bad news time:
The good news! There will be an update, and hopefully within the week. I'm not abandoning this, don't worry about that.
The bad news! ...it won't be here. Actually, this is the last post in this thread, because, as you all are probably aware, Pokemon Uranium is moving forums. What does that mean for this run? Well, it means I'll be reposting every chapter over there before I start posting new ones. Here is a link to this LP on the new forums.
It's an ongoing process of moving every post one by one, so it'll take a little time. However, you can look forward to larger screenshot sizes, more legible text, and of course that same old Digimon detective action that we've provided thus far.
Looking forward to seeing you all in the new thread!
The good news! There will be an update, and hopefully within the week. I'm not abandoning this, don't worry about that.
The bad news! ...it won't be here. Actually, this is the last post in this thread, because, as you all are probably aware, Pokemon Uranium is moving forums. What does that mean for this run? Well, it means I'll be reposting every chapter over there before I start posting new ones. Here is a link to this LP on the new forums.
It's an ongoing process of moving every post one by one, so it'll take a little time. However, you can look forward to larger screenshot sizes, more legible text, and of course that same old Digimon detective action that we've provided thus far.
Looking forward to seeing you all in the new thread!
Mercury45- Inflagetah
- Posts : 291
Join date : 2014-03-13
Age : 33
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